Monday, September 24, 2012

Hamburger or Hammered: Does it Really Matter?

Often times when people talk about the dangers of the road, it is likely that people will discuss driving under the influence; or for a lack of a better term, driving hammered.  But what if I told you that just as many people are injuries or died from eating while driving as those from being intoxicated while driving. According to a study of 1,000 drivers surveyed done by Exxon Mobil, 70% of those drivers admit to eating while driving.  The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) also concludes that drivers increase their odds of getting in an accident by nearly 80%.

What do you think the most dangerous foods and/or drinks are to eat while driving?  Post your answers below.

We will post NHTSA's top 10 Most Dangerous Foods/Drinks are!


  1. My initial thought would be that hamburgers and French fries are the worst to eat while driving. First, because most people won't eat one without the other and second, because often times a driver needs both hands to eat it. If both hands are on the burger and fries, what's on the wheel???

    1. Touché I have to honestly say this is where I get caught. The burger and fries are my "ill just eat on the way there" food. I sit my fries inbetween my thighs stir with the left and feed my face with the right. The last couple of times I've attempted this my passenger had to take the wheel and I controlled the pedals( yea I know, this can possibly be even more dangerous, but hey at least I'm bring honest). After reading these blogs not only will I not text and drive but I will no longer eat and drive

  2. Hmmm...I would have to say that Tacos are the most dangerous food to eat while driving. Simply because the meat is always falling out and often time people tilt their head when biting into them. When its comes to beverages or the beverage family, id have to say ice cream cones.

  3. Snapple bottles, or any bottled beverage. It takes two hands to screw and unscrew the bottle.

  4. i really wouldnt give them a rank... whenever you're eating your more focused on you food and not messing up you eating and driving in general are a bad combination

  5. Chicken nuggets, tenders, popcorn chicken, Dunkers what ever you want to call it! All of them are bad to eat when driving. You can't eat them with our some sort of sauce, so that's where the distraction comes in. When you look away or remove your hands from the wheel to dunk you chicken in the sauce

  6. I would say a carry out meal with home cooked food that one would have to use a fork. Have you ever sat a carry out three sectional plate in your lap while driving??? Well it is not a good thing, and to me that is the most dangerous!

  7. Honestly there is no one food more dangerous than the other to eat while driving. However, if I had to rank them, I would say that eating any food with a dipping sauce or that requires two hands such as chicken wings is among the most dangerous things to do while driving.

  8. Honestly there is no one food more dangerous than the other to eat while driving. However, if I had to rank them, I would say that eating any food with a dipping sauce or that requires two hands such as chicken wings is among the most dangerous things to do while driving.

  9. if I had to choose a food that I felt was most dangerous it Would probably have to be something that you have to use a utensil for. Such as soup, a salad, or pasta. This is simply because you have to use both hands in order to eat these things and there's no way around it. So if you're using two hands to eat with what are u steering with?? Your knee?? Your elbow?? Neither if these things are safe. They could be fatal to both your life and someone else's.

    The most dangerous drink, in my opinion,would probably have to be something in a cup, because you can't see over the rim if the cup, or something in a bottle.
